Well, I am very much amazed!! Are the Ahadith regarding Intercession such that they could be hidden from anyone? Scores of Sahaba, hundreds of Tabi'een and thousands of Muhaddithin have narrated them - all books of Hadith - the Sahihs, the Musnads, the Ma’ajims, the Jawami'es and the Musannafs – are all full of them. I present here a collection of 40 Ahadith, so that the faith of Muslims may be strengthened by them, and the deniers may burn in jealousy – especially those Ahadith which shall refute the unscrupulous, deviant & wicked wrong doers who have in their writings attempted to change the very meaning of intercession and tried to hide their rejection of intercession by changing its definition. These Ahadith will make clear that our Master is the chosen and appointed one for intercession – he only is the refuge of the sinners, from him only is the succor for the friendless – contrary to what one deviant alleges that “whomever Allah wills, He will decree as an intercessor”. These Ahadith will give the glad tidings that the intercession of our Beloved Prophet is not just for those who have accidentally sinned and are ashamed and continuously fearful of their deeds – as one wicked wrongdoer has claimed thus “The theft has been proved upon the thief, but he is not a habitual thief and he has not adopted theft as his profession – but rather the theft was committed accidentally due to his own sheer bad luck – so he is repentant and cries day and night (so for such is the intercession)”. No, surely not! I swear by Allah the Supreme Who has appointed the Holy Prophet as the Intercessor of the sinners, that his intercession is for the utterly sinful, wicked and oppressive Muslims like us who are so steeped in sins that even sins are ashamed of them.
Ahadith # 1 & 2
The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said, خيرت بين الشفاعة وبين أن يدخل نصف أمتى الجنة فاخترت الشفاعة لأنها أعم وأكفى أترونها للمتقين لا ولكنها للمذنبين الخطائين المتلوثين “Allah gave me the option of choosing between the power of intercession or having half of my Ummah admitted to Paradise without any reckoning. I chose the power of intercession because that is more important and will be more useful. Do you assume that my intercession is for the pious Muslims? No, on the contrary, it is for those sinners who are steeped in sins and have committed grave crimes." [Imam Ahmad in his Musnad from Hadrat Abdullah ibn Umar. Ibn Maja from Hadrat Abu Musa Asha'ari] Ref: Sunan Ibn Maajah, Baab Zikr ash-Shafa'ah. Vol. 1, Page 329 Musnad AHmad bin Hanbal, Vol. 2, Page 75 O Allah - Peace and abundant blessings be upon the Holy Prophet! And all praise is to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Hadith # 3 The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said, شفاعتي للهالكين من أمتي “My intercession is for those among my Ummah who have been destroyed by sins!” [Ibn Adi in Majma Zawaid, from Hadrat Ummul-Momineen Umme Salma] Ref:Al-Kamil li Ibn Adi, Vol. 5, Page 1801 Kanzul Ummal, Hadith 39073, Vol.14, Page 401 Majma' Zawaid, Vol. 5, Page 44 That is certainly the truth – O my intercessor, may I be sacrificed for you! Ahadith # 4 to 8 The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said, شفاعتي يوم القيامة لأهل الكبائر من أمتي “My intercession on the day of judgment is for those among my Ummah who have committed major sins.” [Abu Daud, Tirmidhi, Ibn Hibban, Hakim & Baihaqi from Hadrat Anas bin Maalik. Tirmidhi, Ibn Majah, Ibn Habban & Hakim from Hadrat Jabir bin Abdullah. Tibrani in Majam Kabeer from Hadrat Abdullah ibn Abbas. Khateeb Baghdadi from Hadrat Abdullah ibn Umar Farouk and from Hadrat Ka’ab bin Ajrah]Ref: Sunan Ibn Maja, Vol. 1, Page 329, Hadith 4452 Sunan Abi Dawood, Vol. 2, Page 296, Hadith 4741 Sunan Tirmidhi, Vol. 2, Page 66, Hadith 2623 Mustadrak lil Haakim, Vol. 1, Page 69 Sunan Kubra, Vol. 10, Page 190 Al Mau'jam al Kabeer, Hadith, 11454, Vol. 10, Page 189 Mawarid az Zaman, Hadith, 2596, Page 345 Kanz al Ummal, Hadith 39055, Vol. 14, Page 398 O Allah - Peace and abundant blessings be upon the Holy Prophet! And all praise is to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. Hadith # 9 The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said, شفاعتي لأهل الذنوب من أمتي “My intercession is for the sinful among my Ummah.” On this Abu Darda submitted, Ref : Tareekh-e-Baghdad, Vol. 1, Page 416 Ahadith # 10 & 11 The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said, إني لاشفع يوم القيامة لاكثر مما على وجه الارض من حجر وشجر ومدر “I shall intercede, on the Day of Judgement, for more persons than the total number of trees, stones and pebbles on the face of this earth.” [Tibrani & Baihaqi from Hadrat Buraidah. Tibrani in Majam Awsat from Hadrat Anees al-Ansari]Ref: Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 5, Page 347, Hadith 23645 Al Mau'jam al Ausat, Hadith 5519, Vol. 2 , Page 172 Kanz al-Ummal, Hadith 39062, Vol 14, Page 399 Hadith # 12 The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said, شفاعتى لمن يشهد أن لا إله إلا الله مخلصا يصدق قلبه لسانه “My intercession is for every such person who sincerely bore witness that ‘None is worthy of worship except Allah’ – while his heart confirmed what his tongue uttered.” [Bukhari, Muslim, Hakim & Baihaqi from Hadrat Abu Hurairah]Ref: Mustadrak lil Hakim, Vol 1, Page 270 Musnad Ahmad, Vol 4, Page 414 Kanzul Ummal, Hadith 39079/80, Vol 10, Page 378/79 Majma'az Zawaid, Vol 10, Page 379 Hadith # 13 The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said, أنها أوسع لهم وهي لمن مات لا يشرك بالله شيئا “Intercession has much more scope for the Ummah, for it is for every such person who dies on faith.” [Ahmed, Tibrani & Bazaaz from Hadrat Mua’az ibn Jabal]Ref: Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 43, Page 55, Hadith 20255 al-Khasais al-Kubra, Vol. 2, Page 335 al-Mau'jam al-Kabeer, Vol. 12. Page 445 Hadith # 14 The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said, إني آتي جهنم ، فأضرب بابها ، فيفتح لي ، فأدخل ، فأحمد الله محامد ما حمده أحد قبلي مثله ، ولا يحمده أحد بعدي ثم أخرج منها من قال : لا إله إلا الله Ref: al-Mau'jam al Awsat, Hadith 3857, Vol. 4, Page 503 Hadith # 15 The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said, يوضع للأنبياء منابر من ذهب يجلسون عليها ، ويبقى منبري لا أجلس عليه ، قائم بين يدي ربي عز وجل منتصبا لأمتي مخافة أن يبعث بي إلى الجنة ، وتبقى أمتي بعدي ، فأقول : يا رب ، أمتي أمتي . فيقول الله عز وجل : يا محمد ، ما تريد أن أصنع بأمتك ؟ فأقول : يا رب اعدل حسابهم ، فيدعى بهم فيحاسبون ، فمنهم من يدخل الجنة برحمة الله ، ومنهم من يدخل الجنة بشفاعتي فما أزال أشفع حتى أعطى صكاكا برجال قد بعث بهم إلى النار ، وحتى إن مالكا خازن النار يقول : يا محمد ما تركت لغضب ربك من أمتك من نقمةRef: Al-Mustadrak lil Hakim, Vol 1, Page 65/66 Al-Mau'jam al Awsat, Hadith 2958, Vol 3, Page 446 Al-Targheeb wa al-Tarheeb, Vol 4, Page 446 Ahadith # 16 to 21 All these 6 Ahadith report that the Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said, واللفظ لجابر قال قال رسول الله صلى الله تعالٰى عليه وسلم اُعطيت ما لم يعط احد قبلي الٰی قوله صلى الله تعالٰى عليه وسلم واعطيت الشفاعةRef: Sahih al Bukhari, Vol 1, Page 48 Sahih Muslim, Vol 1, Page 199 Sunan Nisaee, Vol 1, Page 74 Musnad Ahmad, Vol 1, Page 301 Al-Mau'jam alKabeer, Vol 11, Page 73 Al Targheeb wal Tahreeb, Vol 4, Page 433 Al-Mau'jam al Awsat, Vol 8, Page 212 Ahadith # 22 & 23 The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said, ان لكل نبي دعوة قددعا بها في امته واستجيب له۔ وھذااللفظ الانس ولفظ ابی سعید لیس من نبي الا وقد اُعطی دعوة فتعجّلها۔ (ولفظ ابن عباس) لم یبق نبی الا اُعطی سؤله۔ رجعنا الٰی لفظ انس والفاظ الباقین كمثله معنیً قال وانی اختبات دعوتي شفاعة لِاُمتي یوم القٰیمة ۔(زاد موسٰی) جعلتها لمن مات من امتي لایشرك باﷲ شیئاRef: Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 2, Page 932 Sahih Muslim, Vol. 1, Page 113 Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 3, Page 307 Musnad Ahmad, Vol. 3, Page 220 Sunan al-Kubra, Vol. 2, Page 433 O Allah – grant us the intercession, by the honour of the Prophet with you! Aameen. Allahu Akbar!! O the sinners of this Ummah! Do you not see the extreme compassion and mercy of our Master the Holy Prophet upon you? For he was bestowed three such prayers from Allah the Supreme – to seek whatever he wished – and he did not seek anything for himself, but assigned them just for you. He sought two things in this world – these two were also for you – and has reserved one for the hereafter – for your dire need on that day, when except for our compassionate & merciful Master there will be none providing help, none removing your calamities. Allah the Almighty, has rightly said, عزيز عليه ما عنتم حريص عليكم بالمومنين رءوف رحيم By Allah! By oath of the One who has made our Master so merciful upon us, no mother can have so much love and affection for her only son as much as he has for every single person of his Ummah! O Allah – You indeed know our limitations and weaknesses, and You indeed know the lofty rights of his greatness upon us – so O Allah, the Omnipotent, the Supreme Being, the Great! Shower your choicest, abundant, auspicious blessings upon him and his progeny that befit his rights and that suffice his mercy! Praise be to Allah! And what has the Ummah done in lieu of his mercy? Some raise doubts about his high status, some are sceptical of his power of intercession, some equal his rank to themselves, some get upset when he is glorified – while some allege acts of love to be inventions and some declare acts of respect and honour to be polytheism! May Allah save & protect us!! Aameen. Hadith # 24 The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said, “Allah the Supreme granted me three prayers, so I have twice prayed that اللهم اغفر لامّتي اللهم اغفر لامتيRef: Sahih Muslim, Vol 1, Page 273 Musnad Ahmad, Vol 5, Page 127 Hadith # 25 The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) submitted to his Lord, “You have granted such and such favours to the other Prophets!” So Allah the Supreme proclaimed, أعطيتك خير من ذلك (الٰى قوله) و خبأت لك شفاعتك ، و لم أخبأها لنبي غيرك Ref: Al-Shifa bi Tareefi Huqooqil Mustafa, Vol. 1, Page 134 Hadith # 26 The Holy Prophet the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said, إذا كان يوم القيامة كنت إمام النبيين وخطيبهم وصاحب شفاعتهم غير فخرRef: Sunan Tirmidhi, Vol. 2, Page 201 Sunan Ibn Maajah, Page 330 Al Mustadrak lil Hakim, Vol. 1, Page 71 Ahadith # 27 to 40 The Holy Prophet , the Intercessor of the Sinners (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him) said, شفاعتي يوم القيامة حق فمن لم يؤمن بها لم يكن من أهلهاRef: Kanz al-Ummal, Hadith 39059, Vol. 14, Page 399 The unfortunate soul who belies intercession must therefore ponder upon the above mass narrated Hadith - and have pity upon himself by believing in the Intercession of our Master the Holy Prophet (Peace and Blessings of Allah be Upon Him). O Allah! Make us worthy of his intercession in this world and in the hereafter. O Allah, the Supreme! Shower your choicest abundant auspicious blessings upon our Master and his progeny and upon all his followers until the day of judgement! Peace & blessings be upon all the Prophets, and May Allah be well pleased with the Companions. Aameen!!
Extracted from اسماع الاربعین في شفاعة سید المحبوبین by Nazm-ul-Quran |
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Saturday, February 1, 2014
40 Ahadith on the Intercession of the Beloved Prophet
Friday, January 31, 2014
Friday (Jummah) Prayer
Hadrat Salman Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah has said,
If a man takes bath on Friday; purifies himself as much as he can with ablution, applies oil from his oils, or uses any available perfume in his house, then goes out and, without squeezing between two men, prays what is prescribed for him, then remains silent when the Imam speaks (delivers sermon) his (minor) sins between that time and the next Friday will be forgiven.
[Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Page 121, Book on the Friday Prayer]
Hadrat Abu Hurairah Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah has said,
When Friday comes, the angels stand at the door of the mosque recording the people in the order of their arrival. The parable of the first comer is like the parable of one who sends (to Makkah) a she-camel for sacrifice; the man who comes next is like the one who sends a cow for sacrifice, next a sheep, next like the one who sends a hen, next like the one who sends an egg. Then when the Imam stand up (on the Minbar/Pulpit) to deliver the sermon, they close their sheets and listen to the remembrance (sermon).
[Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Page 127, Book on the Friday Prayer /
Sahih Muslim, Vol. 1, Page 282, Book on the Friday Prayer]
Hadrat Samurah ibn Jundab Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah has said,
Whosoever omits the Friday prayer without excuse he should give a Dinar in alms
or if he does not have (it), half a Dinar.
[Musnad Imam Ahmad, Vol. 5, Page 632 / Sunan Abi Dawud, Vol. 1, Page 151, Book on Prayer]
Hadrat Samurah ibn Jundub Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah has said,
Be present at the sermon (delivered on Fridays) and draw near the Imam; because whoever always keeps far away will likewise, be far away (towards the back) in Paradise, even though he will enter it.
[Sunan Abi Dawud, Vol. 1, Page 158, Book on Prayer]
Hadrat Ibn Umar Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah has said,
When any of you dozes (in the Masjid) during the Friday prayer, he should change his place (if possible).
[Sunan Tirmidhi, Vol. 1, Page 115, Chapters on the Friday Prayer]
Hadrat Anas Radi Allahu Ta'ala Anhu reported that
When it was very cold, the Holy Prophet used to observe the prayer early; and when it was very hot, he used to delay the prayer till it was cooler. This refers to the Friday prayer.
[Sahih Bukhari, Vol. 1, Page 124, Book on the Friday Prayer]
1. All those who listen to the mu azzin calling out the Adhan for the Friday prayers in front of the Imam, should not reply to his words. This is a more preventative ruling. [Fatawa-e-Radawiyyah]
It has been stated in al-Durr al-Mukhtar [Page 57]:
One should not reply with the tongue, to the words of the Adhan called in front of the imam, prior to the Khutba (sermon).
In Radd al-Muhtar Vol. 1 Page 575 it has been stated:
It is makruh (disliked) to reply to the (words of the) Adhan at such a time.
2. On hearing the Adhan for the Khutba, when the mu azzin calls out the Blessed Name of the Holy Prophet, then it is best not to kiss ones thumbs at that time. The Durud Sharif (invoking blessings) on the Messenger of Allah should also be recited from the heart; not from the tongue, as remaining silent in this particular time is Fard (obligatory). This rule only applies to the adhan for the khutba, otherwise in the other adhans one should kiss their thumbs, place them on their eyes as this is Mustahab. [Fatawa-e-Radawiyyah]
In Radd al-Muhtar Vol. 1 Page 575, it has been stated:
The more favoured opinion is to invoke blessings (send durud) upon the Holy prophet from one s heart (and to recite anything from the tongue).
3. To read the khutba in any language other than Arabic or to amalgamate another language with the khutba read in Arabic is disliked (makruh) and against the sunnat that has been transmitted from our pious predecessors. [Fatawa-e-Radawiyyah, Bahar-e-Shari at]
4. Some people lift their hands in the time that is between the two khutbas delivered by the Imam. This should not be done, as it is necessary to remain silent throughout and in between the two khutbas. [Bahar-e-Shari at Vol. 1 Chapter 4 Page 90-91]
5. It is not permissible to establish the Friday Prayer in villages. However, if people do pray it, then one should not prevent them. [Fatawa-e-Radawiyyah]
6. Because the Friday Prayer is not allowed in the villages (and in some countries), the Zohar (Mid-Noon prayer) is still fard upon them, though they may have prayed the Friday Prayer. Hence, it is obligatory that one prays the 4 Rakahs fardh salaah for Zohar if one has prayed the Friday Prayer in villages or places where the Friday Prayer cannot be established due to reasons as explained by the Shari ah.
From where should the Adhan for the Khutba be Called?
Hadrat Sa ib ibn Yazid reported that
When the Holy Prophet used to sit on the pulpit (on Friday), the call to prayer (adhan) was said near the door of the mosque, in front of the Holy Prophet. This was the same manner in which the adhan was called in the times of Hadrat Abubakr and Hadrat Umar. [Sunan Abi Dawud, Vol. 1, Page 155, Book on Prayer]
From this Hadith we understand that it is Sunnah to call the Adhan from outside of the Masjid (Prayer Hall). The Adhan for the Khutbah during the blessed era of the Holy Prophet and his blessed vicegerents: Hadrat Abubakr and Hadrat Umar was always called from outside of the Masjid. This is why the scholars have disallowed calling the adhan from inside the Masjid. [This has been stated in Fatawa-e-Qazi Khan Vol. 1 Page 78, Fatawa-e- Alamgiri Vol. 1 Page 55.]
In al-Bahr al-Raiq it has been stated:
It is impermissible to call the Adhan from inside the Masjid. [Vol. 1 Page 268]
In Fath al-Qadir it has been stated:
The scholars of Jurisprudence have stated that the Adhan should not be given from inside the Masjid.
[Vol. 1 Page 215]
In al-Tahtawi (hashiya on Maraqiy al-Falah) it has been stated:
It is makruh (disliked) to give the Adhan from inside the Masjid.
This has also been stated in al-Qahastani. [Page 17]
Hence, the practice of calling the Adhan from inside the Masjid is incorrect. It is obligatory upon Muslims to leave what is wrong and abide by the rules of fiqh and Hadith.
Thanks to Administration of Nazm-ul-Quran
Wednesday, January 29, 2014
Celebrating Eid-e-MiladWhen we celebrate Milad, we gather, in order to send salutations (Esal-e-Swaab) to the Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace], give charity to the poor (Sadaqah Khairat) and remember wilaadah(Birth) and virtues of the Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace]. The Ahl as-Sunnah does not say that one must celebrate “Milad” only on 12 Rabee’-ul-Awwal, in fact it can be celebrated at anytime of the year. Generally Milad-un-Nabi is celebrated, on the 12th of Rabee’ul-Awwal, by Muslims all over the world. In every Muslim country, there is a public holiday for “Milaad-un-Nabee”, except one country, but even in that country, the people celebrate “Milaad” individually. The birth of the Anbiyaa’ has been mentioned in the Qur’an. For example, Adam, Musaa, Eesaa, and Yahyaa (May Allah bless them and grant them peace). If it is wrong to talk about the birth of the Prophet (May Allah bless him and grant him peace), then why has Allah TA’ALA mentioned it in the Qur’an? Evidence of Milaad-un-Nabi from the Qur’an
In this verse, Allah Almighty tells us that we should be happy when we receive blessings and mercy from Him. Without doubt, the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] is the greateset mercy and blessing of Allah Almighty Allah Almighty says in the Qur’an: “And we sent not to you but a mercy for all the worlds” (Al’Anbiyaa’, 107) AllahAlmighty says in the Qur’an: Oh Prophet! The communicator of unseen news. We have sent you as a present beholder and bearer of glad tidings and a warner. And an inviter towards Allah by His command and a brightening sun. And give glad tidings to the believers that for them is great bounty of Allah. (Al-aHzaab, 44-47) AllahAlmighty says in the Qur’an: …remind them of the day of Allah… (Ibraaheem, 5) Hafidhh Ibn Kathir and Qadi Shawkani write that: “the day of Allah” refers to the day on which AllahAlmighty has done a favour on mankind. For example, the freedom of Bani Isra’il from the slavery of Fir’awn. [Tafsir Ibn Kathir, and Fath-ul-qadeer, by Hafidhh Ibn Kather and Qaadee Shawkaanee] Allah’s graetest favour on mankind was the birth of the Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace]. This means that the Milaad of the Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace] is a “day of Allah”, therefore we should remember it. Hafidh Ibn Rajab writes that: It is recommended to fast on those days on which Allah Almighty has sent blessings on us. The greatest favour which AllahAlmighty has bestowed us with, is the sending down of the Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace]. Allah Almighty says in the Qur'an: “I have favoured among nations and sent to you a Prophet from among you”(ltaa’if-ul-ma’rif, page 111, by Hafidh Ibn Rajab) Some other evidences of Milaad
Our Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace] celebrated the birth of his son Ibraaheem by freeing a slave. (Tareekh Ibn Kathir, “Birth of Ibraaheem”).
Imam Muslim writes that the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] was asked about the fast on Mondays, which he used to keep, the Prophet replied “This is the day of my birth”.(Muslim, “Kitaab-us-Sawm”) This proves that the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] kept fast on Mondays to show gratitude for his birth. Imam Bukhari writes that: when Abu Lahab died, someone from his household saw him in a dream, they asked him what happened in the grave he said “I am being punished severely, but on Mondays, I get water from my finger with which I am freed Thuwayba,
(Bukhari, “Kitaab-un-Nikaah”)
Friday is a special day for Muslims because this is the day that Allah created Aadam[May Allah bless him and grant him peace] (The Muslim book of Jum’ah, also Tareekh Ibn Kathir, vol.1, “Story of Aadam (May Allah bless him and grant him peace]) Hafidhh Ibn Kathir writes that Abu Lahab freed Thuwayba on the day that the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] was born. (Sirat-un-Nabee, “Birth of Prophet May Allah bless him and grant Him peace]”, by Hafidh Ibn Kathir) This proves that a kaafir, Abu Lahab, was happy on the day of the birth of the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] and was rewarded by having his punishment reduced. If this is true, then indeed Allah will bless a Muslim who rejoices the birth of the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace]. This Hadith has been used by many ‘Ulamaa’, to justify the celebration of Milad. Allama Ibn Hajr Asqalani writes that Sohaily said that Abbaas Radi-Allahu-unhu, who was the uncle of the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace], had the above dream. Apart from this, other Muhadditheen have also attributed this dream to Abbaas Radi-Allahu-unhu. (Fath-ul-baari, “Nikaah”, by Hafidh Ibn Hajar Asqalaanee) A person may ask, “When did Abbaas Radi-Allahu-unhu have this dream? Was it before or after he embraced Islam?” The answer to this is that he had this dream after coming into the fold of Islam (Seerah-Ibn-Hashaam) Abu Lahab died after the battle of Badr before which Abbaas Radi-Allahu-unhu embraced Islam. Hafidhh Ibn Taymiyyah writes: “Those people who celebrate Milaad through the love and respect of the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace], will be rewarded by Allah. [Iqtidaa’ us-siraat-il-Mustaqeem, page 294] He also writes that: If someone celebrates Milaad with the love and respect of Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace], he will have a “big reward”. He says that in Muslim communities, Milaad-un-Nabi gatherings are only done with the respect and love of the Muslims for the Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace] [Iqtidaa’ as-siraat-il-Mustaqeem, page 297, by Hafidhh Ibn Taymiyyah] Hafidhh Ibn Kathir wrote that: There was once a King, Abu Sa’eed Malik Muzaffar - a man of good deeds. In his kingdom, wherever he saw a lack of water, he would build a well. He also established many Islamic study centers. Every year, he would spend half a million dinars on hosting a gathering of his people to celebrate the birthday of the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] [Tareekh Ibn Kathir, see story of King Abu Sa’eed, Volume 13] Ibn Muhammad bin Abdul Wahhab Najdi, in his book, writes: “Thuwaiba, who was the freed slave of Abu Lahab fed Rasolallah Sallalalhu ‘alaihi wa sallam milk. Abu Lahab freed Suwaiba at the time when she informed him that a son has been born at your brother’s house. After the death of Abu Lahab he was seen in a dream, in which he said ‘I am in severe punishment but this is lessened on Mondays, he showed his forefinger, and said that he would suck from it. This is so because it was with this finger that I freed Suwaiba when she informed of the birth of the Prophet, and she also fed the Prophet Sallalalhu ‘alaihi wa sallam milk”. Ibn Jawzi states: Abu Lahab is that kaafir who has been specially referred to, in the Qur’an. If such a person can be rewarded for celebrating the Milaad of the Prophet Sallalalhu ‘alaihi wa Sallam, then imagine how great the reward would be for a Muslim when he celebrates it. [Mukhtassar Sirat-ur-rasool, “Milaad-un-nabi”, by Ibn Muhammad bin Abdul wahhaab Najdi]. The above is evidence that celebrating the birthday of the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] in the form of a gathering is permissible. Otherwise Hafidhh Ibn Kathir would not have referred to it as a good deed and Hafidhh Ibn Taymiyyah would not have said that there would be a “big reward” for doing so. Some people have the opinion that King Abu Sa’eed introduced the celebrating of this occasion. This is not true because Hafidh Ibn Kathir states that in the 5th Century hijree, a King named Malik Shah celebrated it also with a gathering [Tareekh Ibn Katheer biography of Malik Shah] Some people even argue that the Holy Prophet was not even born on the 12th Rabbi Awwal. This argument is baseless, as Hafidh Ibn Kathir has discussed this in Sirat-un-nabi. He states that the majority of the scholars agree that the Prophet was born on the 12th of Rabee’ul-Aawal. The evidence of the people who do not accept this is weak. (As-Sirat-un-nabi, vol.1, “Birth of the Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace]”) Muhammad Ibn Is-haaq states that the Prophet was born on the 12th of Rabee’ul-Awwal. (Seerah Ibn Hashaam, “Chapter Birth of the Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace]”) Ibn Is-haaq was a Taabi’ and was born in 75 Hijrah. His book is the oldest book available of seerah in Islamic history. The first book of Seerah was written by Musa bin Uqba. This book is no longer avaiable for reference. The Ahl as-Sunnah celebrate the Milaad of the Prophet [May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace] with love and respect. If someone does not celebrate it, we do not call them a kaafir because the matter of Milaad does not affect the ‘Aqeedah of a person. The celebrating of this should not cause any divisions among Muslims. Hafidhh Salaahuddeen Yoosuf [A great follower of Hafidhh Ibn Taymiyyah and Shaikh Najdee] writes: On the birth date of the Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant him peace], to give charity to the poor or to build a Masjid. We agree in this type of celebration of Milaad. (Milaad-un-nabi, by Hafidhh.Yoosuf, page 92) Hafidh Ibn Kathir writes: “On the day of the birth of Prophet[May Allah bless Him and grant Him peace], Shaytaan cried a lot.” (Sirat-un-nabi, “Birth of the Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace]”, by Hafidh Ibn Kathir) From Ibn Kathirs narration we can see that to feel unhappy on the Birthday of the Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant him peace] is the way of shaytaan not the way of a Muslim!
Some questions raised concerning the Milaad
Although the Prophet was born on the 12th of Rabee’ul-awwal he also died on the same date. How then can the 12th of Rabee’ul-awwal be a happy day?
Mourning for someone’s death should not be more than three days, except for a woman, who has lost her husband. The Prophet’s [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace] death was over 1400 years ago, so the period of mourning has passed. But, after someone dies, his death is remembered by reciting the Qur'an, remembering his merits, giving alms, and making du’a for him. Even if the period of mourning for the Prophet’s [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace] death exists, all the actions mentioned above are included when people gather for Milaad-un-nabee. For this reason, there is not need to separate the celebration of the Prophet’s [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace] birth, and the mourning of his death. How can there be an Eid Milaad-un-nabi when there are only two Eids (Al-Fitr and Al-AdhHaa)? Allah Almighty says in the Qur’an: Prophet Isa [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace] prayed to Allah Almighty “Oh Allah, our Lord, send down to us a tray of food from the Heavens so that it may be an occasion of Eid for us for the first and the last of us.” (Al-Maa’idah, 114) Imam Hakim writes that the Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace] said “Friday is also an Eid day”. Once, in the Prophet’s time Eid came on Friday and the Prophet [May Allah bless him and grant Him peace] said “Allah has given you two Eids today”. (Mustadrak, “Jum’ah” by Imam Haakim and summary by Imam Dhahabi). Imam Tirmidhee writes “Abdullah-bin-Abbaas was reciting verse 3 of surah maa’ida, from the Qur’an. A Jew, sitting close-by heard it and said to Abdullah “If that verse which you recited, was revealed to us, we would make that day an Eid day”. Abdullah-bin-Abbas replied “When this verse was revealed, there were two Eids on that day. One of them was the Hajj day and the other Friday”. [Tirmidhee , “Tafsir”, and also Tafsir Ibn Kathir, surah 5, verse 3] From the references above, it is proved that the term “Eid day” does not specifically apply to the two Eid days (Al-fitr and al-adhHaa), but instead, it could be used for any Islamic holy day. This means that we can refer to “Milaad-un-Nabi” as “Eid-Milaad-un-nabi” Books on Milaad-un-Nabi (SallahoAleheWasalam)
Imam Tirmidhi, in his book even gives the title of one of this chapters, the name “Milaad-un-Nabee”. (Tirmidhi, shamaa’il)
Imam Waaqdi (A second century Scholar) also wrote a book entitled “Milaad-un-Nabi”. The original copy can be found in Cairo. Allama Ibn Al-Jawzi, wrote a book called “Milaad-un-Nabi” in which he gives very strong proofs permitting the celebration of Milaad. |
Monday, January 27, 2014
Different kinds of Charity! |
Praise be to Allah. Ongoing charity is the waqf (“Islamic endowment”) which may take many forms. The definition of a waqf is that the origin is “frozen” and the fruits are donated for the sake of Allah, as was narrated by al-Bukhaari (2737) and Muslim (1633) from Ibn ‘Umar (may Allah be pleased with him), that ‘Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) was given a share of land at Khaybar. He came to the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and asked him what he should do with it. He said: “O Messenger of Allah, I have been given a share of land at Khaybar and I have never been given any wealth that is more precious to me than it. What do you command me to do with it?” He said: “If you wish, you can ‘freeze’ it and give it in charity.” So ‘Umar gave it in charity and stipulated that it was not to be sold, given as a gift or inherited, and he gave it in charity to the poor, relatives and slaves, for the sake of Allah and for wayfarers and guests; there was no sin on the one appointed to look after it if he ate from it on a reasonable basis, and fed others without storing anything for the future.”
Ibn Maajah (242) narrated that Abu Hurayrah said: “The good deeds that will reach a believer after his death are: knowledge which he learned and then spread; a righteous son whom he leaves behind; a copy of the Quran that he leaves as a legacy; a mosque that he built; a house that he built for wayfarers; a canal that he dug; or charity that he gave during his lifetime when he was in good health. These deeds will reach him after his death.” This Hadith was classed as hasan by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah. Ongoing charity may mean building a mosque, buying Mushafs (copies of the Quran) to be placed in the mosque, or designating a house or a place as a waqf so that its income is spent on the poor, orphans, relatives, seekers of knowledge or others as stipulated by the one who establishes the waqf, or donating money to build a charitable hospital, and so on. With regard to charity that is not ongoing, this is charity in which the thing given is not “frozen”, rather it is given to the poor to become his property and be made use of however he wishes, such as giving him money, food, clothing, medicine or furniture. If a person establishes a mosque as a waqf, then it is destroyed or falls down, it is permissible to sell part of it in order to renovate the rest. If it is not possible to make use of any part of it, then the whole thing may be sold and the money donated to another waqf. Ibn Qudaamah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “If a waqf is destroyed and nothing is left of it, it may be sold and the money used to buy something to be given back to the people in charge of the waqf, and it should be made a waqf like the first one was. The same applies to a horse kept for jihad, if it is no longer fit for fighting, it should be sold and the money used to buy another one that is fit for jihad. What we conclude from this is that if a waqf is destroyed and is no longer of any use, such as a house that collapses or land that is ruined and becomes dead and no longer fit for cultivation, or a mosque from which the people move away, and is now in a place where people do not pray, or it becomes too small for the people and cannot accommodate them all, or it falls into disrepair, and it cannot be maintained except by selling part of it, then it is permissible to sell part of it in order to take care of the maintenance of the rest of it. If it is not possible to use any part of it, then the whole thing may be sold. Ahmad said, according to a report narrated by Abu Dawood: if there are two pieces of wood in the mosque which are of some value, it is permissible to sell them and spend the money raised on the mosque. According to a report narrated by Saalih: the mosque may be removed to another location if there is the fear of it being robbed or if the location is in a filthy area. Al-Qaadi said: i.e., if that prevents people from praying there. And he stated that it is permissible to sell its courtyard, according to a report narrated by ‘Abd-Allah. The imam should give testimony to that effect (i.e., that these changes are necessary) From al-Mughni, 5/368 & So long as the waqf is still in existence, the reward for its founder will be ongoing; the same is also true if the original waqf is sold and the money put into a new waqf. Whoever builds a mosque will have the reward promised for that. This is what is narrated in the words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him): “Whoever builds a mosque for the sake of Allah, even if it is like the nest of a sand grouse, Allah will build for him a house in Paradise.” The hadeeth gives an example of building the smallest thing possible. Narrated by Ahmad, 2157; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Jaami’. And Allah knows best .
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Importance Of Namaz |
PROPHET MUHAMMAD (Sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam) said:
The one who neglect the prayers will receive Fifteen punishments from Allah. Six punishments in this lifetime Three while dying, Three in the grave & Three on the Day of Judgment. THE SIX PUNISHMENTS OF LIFE:
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